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Welcome to the official website for Gislingham Parish Council!
The aim of the Gislingham Parish Council is to improve the welfare of parishioners, maintain the local environment and enhance village facilities. We shall take all steps to protect the character and culture of the village. We shall ensure that we gain best possible value for money from the village precept and will strive to ensure the business of the Parish Council is unbiased and transparent to all.
The Parish Council is your local tier of government. The Parish Council has responsibilities for planning, road safety, rights of way and footpaths, street lighting, allotments, grass cutting, play equipment, the war memorial, litter and dog bins. The Council can make grants to support groups that provide facilities for the village or assistance to individuals. The Council sets a budget to pay for equipment and other services and that money (or precept) is collected with the council tax. All residents of Gislingham are very welcome to attend Parish Council meetings and make contact with any of the Parish Councillors or the Clerk if they have any issues they would like to raise. Contact details are all available on this web site.
Any queries or issues with this website please contact the Parish Clerk at clerk@gislinghamparishcouncil.com